Oops! No Posts!

You may think since I haven't updated this site in what feels like forever, that I've forgotten about it, but that's not true!! I've been working on an article for the last few months, and boy am I a perfectionist. First step to curing that is finishing a work, I guess. Maybe? I don't freakin know.

I feel bad there's been nothing here though, especially when it's a special place (and much more stable than mr musty's bird).

To make up for this, I'm currently electing to make a yearly post listing the things I have consumed that year. They won't be very detailed (Since... That's what the big article I'm working on is! It's supposed to be a detailed segmenting of my thoughts on a set of games.) but intend to make one for this current year and I think it will help me get into the swing of updating frequently.

Hopefully it will exist Sooner Than Later, and I will update this post then!

And hey?? Maybe I will also finish the mascot-persona-type character I've been designing for myself this year.